showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Gaiares  Telenet Japan;Renovation Products (Renovation Game)1990Mother Earth has been turned into an environmental wasteland by careless humans. Now, the human race has one last chance to save the Earth... With your help. The United Star Cluster of Leezaluth, the governing empire of the Galaxy, has sent a warning to the Earth: "To any surviving Humans - An intergalactic terrorist group known as Gulfer is planning to invade your planet and use your polluted waste to build weapons. You Humans must stop Gulfer, or we will be forced to supernova your Sun and destroy the Earth to stop them. But if you can stop Gulfer, we will give you a new planet like Earth to live on." The last epic struggle for the survival of the Human Race and Mother Earth has just begun... All our fates rest in your hands.***
Starflight Electronic Arts (Binary Systems)1991Your homeworld has exhausted its resources and will soon be unable to support life. Gather a crew and equip a starship to explore the known galaxy for a new place to live -- and try to eliminate a fierce threat from an alien race. Barter with other races, mine planets for alien artifacts, and uncover sinister plots. Utilizes an ahead-of-its-time technology for universe creation based on fractal surface generation. Features include exploring hundreds of galaxies (each with several planets) looking for minerals and artifacts; interacting with alien races, each with a unique language and culture; true real-time gameplay.***